
HowTheLightGetsIn London 2019 featured over 70 debates and talks with the world's leading thinkers on everything from post-truth and paradox to artificial intelligence and adventures in space. Get to know the big ideas below.

19 09 17. Bad boys

Bad Boys

vietnam war protests 2

Victims and Warriors

Masters of the universe 1 c

Masters of the Universe

Adventures in space 2

Into The Unknown

Modern Crises and Ancient Gods 4

Modern Crises and Ancient Gods

Satisfaction and Desire

Satisfaction and Desire

Virtue and Vice

Virtue and Vice

19 06 13. the future of freedom.

In Search of Freedom

19 06 13. Popularity and Prejudice

Popularity and Prejudice

Metropolis untamed 2

Metropolis Untamed

Whats wrong with us 3

What's Wrong With Us?

the end of the west 4

The Future of Thought

the strange world 3

A Crack in Everything

19 06 13. post truth and new lies

Lies, Damned Lies, and Post Truth

Improving ourselves 2

Improving Ourselves

19 06 13. end of the left and right

The End of Left and Right

The Making of Us 2

The Making of Us

The Lonely Planet 3

The Malthusian Catastrophe

The Godless World 3
19 06 19. The Godless World mobile

New Gods

19 06 13. Seeing It How It Is resized

Seeing How It Is

19 08 08.reason rage and revolution 2

Reason, Rage and Revolution

The Mystery of Life 2

The Mystery of LIfe

When The Empire Falls

When The Empire Falls

19 08 08. The One True Story

The One True Story

19 08 08. Reigning Men

Reigning Men

19 08 08. Is capitalism broken

Is Capitalism Broken?

19 08 14. The Tyranny of the New banner

The Tyranny of the New