Academy: The IAI Academy programme offers short, two-part courses by leading thinkers from around the world. Designed to be accessible and opinionated, the courses are your chance to hear scholars from the best universities put forward their views on the problems at the cutting edge of their field.
Now in its sixth year, both live and online, the IAI Academy breaks with the convention that lectures can and should be devoid of opinion. In an era where information is everywhere abundant and available, its goal is not to promote one approach as settled 'objective' knowledge but to encourage lecturers to explicitly provide their own take on a field, and to offer new ways of thinking.
The courses comprise two 45 minute lectures with an interactive video chat interval where you can have your questions answered and get to know the speaker face to face.
Head to the programme page to see the Global 2020 line up.
And head to to see many more of our courses from the world's leading thinkers