We venerate democracy as a political system on the grounds that it allows everyone in society to have a voice.   Yet democracies precisely do not give a voice to the minority.   And if the minority is permanent, there is a risk those groups are permanently disenfranchised.   Most apparent with religious minorities perhaps, Catholics in Northern Ireland, Muslims in India.  But perhaps also true in votes on long term issues such as independence or crisis moments be it war or civil unrest. 

Should we admit our hypocrisy and realise that liberal democracy does not give a voice to all?  Can, and should. we change our political system so that it represents the entire spectrum of voter interests? Or would this be yet another unfairness - the tyranny of the median voter? 

Historian and international best-selling author Rutger Bregman, former Brexit Party MEP Claire Fox, and Senior Editor for The Economist Kenneth Cukier debate A Voice for All. Hosted by Rana Mitter.

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