"When Galileo invented the telescope, people didn't want to look through it...people [now] refuse to look at certain theories [too]."

Ivette Fuentes is a Professor of Quantum Physics at the University of Southampton and Emmy Fellow at Keble College, University of Oxford. Her work considers fundamental quantum mechanics, quantum optics and their interplay with general relativity. Fuentes' work has appeared in New Scientist, she has spoken at New Scientist Live and she participated in a BBC series Magic Numbers with Hannah Fry. Fuentes is a close collaborator of Roger Penrose.

Fuentes' work tests theories of quantum gravity by developing much of the under-researched experimental input and quantum technology at scales where quantum and relativistic effects coexist.

"I lost count of how many pioneering ideas [Ivette has given] with actual practical conesquences in the near term"— Curt Jaimungal