Communist China from the outset claimed Taiwan to be part of the mainland and denied its right to exist. Despite its anti-communist government, Taiwan was safe with US support and a militarily weak China. But in recent years the statements from China have become increasingly threatening and the military build up relentless. In response, it is unclear what the US and the West should do. Twenty years ago the US navy was more than twice that of China. Today, China has surpassed the number of US naval vessels and is adding ships at an unprecedented rate. Raising the tension further, in late 2024, unannounced China carried out its largest naval exercise yet at the edge of Taiwan's waters. Shortly afterward Xi declared: "No one can stop the reunification" of China and Taiwan.  

Should the US and the West avoid conflict with China at all costs, and if necessary accede to the invasion of Taiwan?  Or would this be the first step to further expansion, and must the West respond to China's military build up?  Or can a negotiated settlement be found that would avoid conflict and allow separate development?

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