Across the world women are voting significantly differently from men. Until the recent US election it seemed this was an increasing trend. But while the pattern was continued it was less evident and lower than predicted.  It is unknown whether the male/female voting gap has peaked or whether the US election was an outlier in a long term upward trend.  In all countries women are more left wing and men more right wing. In some cases the gap is large. In S.Korea 2022 elections there was a 30% vote difference. Surveys of opinion in Germany and across much of Europe have a similar gap in young women. But in the 2024 US election, more young female voters voted for Trump than in the last election, and the male/female voting gap for young women was just 2%.   

Should we see the gender divide as an important, seismic and long term shift in politics?  Is it the reason that traditionally left leaning young men are for the first time voting with the right?  Or is the voting gender divide a temporary phenomenon that is already starting to close?  

Co-Founder of the Women’s Equality Party Catherine Mayer, former First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, chief data reporter at the FT John Burns-Murdoch and founder of Prospect Magazine David Goodhart debate the political polarisation between men and women.

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