Praveetha Patalay is an exceptional researcher whose work revolves around unraveling the intricacies of population mental health. Patalay completed her PhD at University College London's Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology. Her research harnesses a variety of data sources, delving into the complex realm of mental ill-health over populations and lifetimes. She is now Professor of Population Health and Wellbeing at UCL.

Patalay has received the British Psychological Society's Award and has even been listed in 'Forbes 30 under 30' for Science and Healthcare. Patalay is situated at the intersection of the MRC Unit of Lifelong Health and Ageing and the Centre for Longitudinal Studies at UCL. In her engaging 2018 TedX talk, she shared her insights on comprehending and classifying mental health.

"Patalay’s research is focused on improving one of society’s biggest health issues: depression." Forbes

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