"Young people haven’t turned their backs on spirituality altogether, even if they are exploring it in less predictable (or perhaps, less restricted) ways."

Madeleine Pennington is Head of Research at Theos, the UK’s leading faith and society think tank. She is the lead researcher on the Free Churches Commission, a major research project investigating the impact of churches on social cohesion across England; and authored the British Academy’s Faith and Social Cohesion Report (2020) as part of the ongoing Cohesive Societies series. Pennington is the author of four trailblazing books, including most recently Quakers, Christ, and the Enlightenment.

Madeleine holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Oxford, and previously held the Henry J. Cadbury Scholarship at Pendle Hill, Philadelphia. Her research challenges the widespread assumption that persecution and a desire to conform drives change in new religious movements.

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