"Humans are very complicated things and very delicate things, and very powerful things."

Isabel Millar is one of the UK's leading interdisciplinary philosophers working across psychoanalysis, AI and film. Her first book, Psychoanalysis of Artificial Intelligence, was published in 2021 and has received widespread critical acclaim. Isabel will soon release her second book, Patipolitics, which explores the politics of suffering. She is also an Associate Researcher at Newcastle University and Research Fellow and Faculty at the Global Centre for Advanced Studies.

Her work can be found across a variety of media, including recent appearances on BBC2's Frankie Boyle's New World Order, Netflix, BBC iPlayer, The Freud Museum and more. Millar is one of the 50 thinkers worldwide writing Manifesto: A Struggle of Universalities, edited by Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo and Slavoj Zizek.

"an enviable psychoanalytic erudition." - Dr. Lorenzo Chiesa, Newcastle University