'Providing solutions – and hope – for a world in crisis. We must change the rules to bring business back into balance with the planet.'

Rebecca Henderson is a prominent economist and influential professor (The John and Natty McArthur University professor at Harvard). She is one of the world’s most articulate, insightful and persuasive scholars focused on driving large-scale change. A leading authority in organizational and strategic change for more than thirty years, today her research, teaching and speaking centres on purpose-driven capitalism and the role that business leaders at every level can play in reimagining our current system.

The idea that it is possible to create a better, more sustainable future, but only if we act with urgency – and in concert with one another is a belief that has driven Henderson’s work for the last ten years and is at the heart of her latest endeavour: “Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire,” a book that spells out how business can become a critical ally in the battle to rethink capitalism.

'She's one of today's most original voices on how businesses can, and can't, and should play a role in our transition to a new, decarbonized, sustainable economy.' Havard Magazine

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